Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Table of Specifications

Good Day Teachers!

Many of you might get sick just to fill up the Table of Specifications form.
And you still be the one making the format of the tables and computing weights
adding the burden of putting the contents and etc..

Now, no hassle of formatting, no hassle of computing weights.

To download this form..

please click  Download Table of Specifications

The Autoforms

Hi Good day Teachers!

Want your Class Record, Grading Sheet, Form XIV automated?
You must be an adviser of any of the Grade IV, Grade V, or Grade VI classes using the K-12 curriculum.

This Excel forms will be your pathway to productivity and less hassle in computing grades/performance of your students.

Oops! one feature that is included... a header for your documents!
to download autoforms...pls click this   Download AutoForms, Beta2

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Welcome to DepEd Automated Forms

Welcome Teachers!

Tired of writing forms, compute grades, and others?

This blog is going to help you to ease your burden!
Automated Forms(Form XIV, Table of Specifications,Class Record, and etc.), and also formatted documents(editable) is available right here in this blog. Unlike other sites out there, our automated forms and documents are hand crafted to ease your burden and spend more time with your family when at home!

The quality of our automated forms are tested by time. But if you see defects, please do send us your feedback. The forms right now are used by real teachers in our place.

Most forms here are using 8.5" x 13" paper. the legal standard in Philippines.